Tuesday 4 September 2012

The day of my birthday...

Kia Ora

So many of our class have been having birthdays recently or are having birthdays soon, that we decided to write about them.  We hope you enjoy reading about them! Don't forget to leave us a comment. Thank you :)

My Birthday

When I pulled my covers back I jumped out of bed! I ran along the hallway. I went to my sisters room and shouted, "Anneke! Rebecca! It's my birthday!" Then I went to my mum's and dad's room and shouted, "Mum, dad, it's my birthday!" I was turning five. I felt really excited.

By Emily

Exciting Birthday

I woke very early and woke up my parents. Then I had breakfast. Then we went to my birthday. It was in Junglerama. I invited only one person from school. All the others were my friends from outside of school. Some were boys, some were girls. I had a Barbie cake. It had flowers around the Barbie. We had fun. Then everyone went home.

By Julia

Happy Birthday

When it was my birthday I woke up my mum and dad and brother. It was early. I ran down the stairs. I quickly opened my presents and waited for my guests. I felt good.

By Lucy Lion


  1. Kia Ora Room 3! I loved Emily's story about her birthday. Today is my birthday! I woke my mum up very early because I was so excited. I noticed that there were some presents on the dining table. I will wait until everyone is awake to open my presents so no one misses out.

    Love Caitlin

  2. I have seen some transport things today. I saw cars, a bike, a scooter, a builder's truck and just a truck. Bye bye room three. Love Lucy x
