Monday 29 October 2012

Talking About China

Ni hao everybody,

This term one of our major topics is China. We have been so lucky to have two people come in to our class and talk to us about their experiences.

Firstly, Mr Li came in, William's dad. He gave us a sheet of Chinese characters. These characters are symbols which are words in Chinese. He gave us bookmarks for our books. Lucky us! Mr Li told us that dragons are so fast, nobody has ever seen one! We thought that was pretty funny.

Secondly we had Steve Daw, Caitlin's dad. He just came today and told us all about how many people are in China and how many there are in NZ. 1,200,000,000 people live in China! No wonder there's not much room for dogs as pets, but goldfish make great pets. We learnt you can see the great wall of China from the moon. Pearl learnt that in Shanghai there is a shop called Pearl City.  In the time of emperors and dynasty's, if you tried to get into the forbidden city, you could lose your head!! But not today.

That's all we have time for today. Look out for more stories later this week.

Zaijain (goodbye)

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