Tuesday 20 August 2013


Aye, aye shipmates!

Our Sea Adventures enquiry topic is going really well. At the moment we are organising a trip to the Maritime Museum. I will be sending home a permission slip with all the details about it in the next couple of days.

Today in Writing, we were working on using speech marks and a simile.  Hector has done a fabulous job with his story, below.

The other night I zapped to my friends house...well actually, my cousin's house. We watched Shark Boy and Lava Girl. Then it was hometime. I said, "Goodbye Aunty Eva." And we disappeared off into the dark. The night was as warm as a blanket.
By Hector

Tomorrow we are off to the ASB Centre again so please remember to wear the appropriate footwear and clothing so you can run around easily and not trip over. We are all very excited about playing Floor Ball!

Room 6 are selling cupcakes for 50 cents each on Monday. There is a limit of two per person. If you would like one, please remember to to bring along your money.

Please come into our classroom and see our Enquiry display. The children have been working so hard at making bright and colourful under water dioramas, full of fish, seaweed, shells, rocks, sharks, starfish, whales, mermaids and more.

Have a great day.

Ka kite ano from Room 3

1 comment:

  1. Ahoy Me hearty's
    Avast! All hands hoay. If ye sail under the jolly Roger ye landlubber ye walk the plank and end up in Davy Jones locker, so batten down the hatches and swashbuckling, it be the greatest, grandest day me eyes have ever seen.
    I be captain Samuel beddinton.
