Wednesday 5 December 2012


Kia Ora everyone,

Today we did some writing using descriptive verbs and personification.

They are just so good that I had to share the whole lot!

When it's windy the sunflowers are trying to race out of the dirty and grassy ground. They want to explore the universe. The sun is a whole lot of hot, shiny stars. Lots of white sponges surrounded by the sun.

By Jakeb C.

The sunflower sprinkles her seeds all over me like a shower. Her leaves are tickley on my face. Her petals make a pillow and swish across the sky.

By Lucy

The stars are shooting by like a cheetah. The stars are bright like my white teeth.

By Hugo

The sun sings a soft lullaby to the clouds. The sun is a shiny face looking at me. The sun swims in the hot sky. The sun blows the clouds away from the sky. The sun is a big, bright sunflower.

By Julia

In the wild sky there is a something shooting by. "There is someone looking at me", I said to the sky. She said to me, "maybe it is a rocket shooting by you". I said to her, "maybe it is a lantern".

By Esme

The sun is hot in Samoa and it makes me tired.

By Junior

The sun shines and lights up the blue, dark sky and whispers to the clouds a nice lullaby.

By Rosa

The sun is as hot as lava and as gold as the stars in the night sky. It burns down to the sleepy world below and whispers to the clouds. The sunflower waves her leaves in the breeze. She bends down and pleads me for water.

By Emily

The sun is a big star that waves to the world below. The sun tells funny jokes to the clouds. She sometimes shoots to her bed and snuggles up tight.

By Charlotte

The  stars are someones gleaming eyes, twinkling in the night sky. The stars are like fireworks, sparks everywhere.

By Pearl

The sun burns its bright arms of fire, like a sausage on fire.  The sun shoots out like a cannon ball shooting out of a cannon.

By Connor

The sun shines like a diamond shining brightly, like fire, like flames.

By James

The sun is burning down the sky, shining down the very gold sun, so hot, like the desert. So hot.

By William

The sun's arms are fire trying to set the clouds on fire. That's the evil sun.

By Nico

The sun is very hot. It is like a BBQ. If you touch the BBQ, it is like the sun. The sun makes you sweat. Put sunscreen on or the sun will burn your whole body!

By Dylan

The sun slowly sets as the moon comes up for a nap in the sky. While the sun sets, it goes for a great holiday on the mountain top. It warms the lions as they sleep during summer. At last it comes back up.

By Caitlin

I rang santa up. Santa said to me, "you are good, now you can get presents for christmas time".

By Sylvie

The stars are angels gleaming and twinkling in the dark, night sky. But, as dawn breaks up from his holiday, the stars go back home under the ground where they'll have a cup of tea. When the sun journeys back home, the stars come back to the dark, black sky and go back to work on the computer.

By Molly

The sunflower is a lady who grows out of the ground. She's like the sun, except she doesn't grow that high. She sparkles and shines from the sun. When the breeze is high, the leaves from the sunflower come alive. She waves her leaves to me to say, "hi". She sometimes bends down to pour some sunflower seeds in my hand. She says goodbye to me and squishes her petals to go to sleep.

By Samantha

1 comment:

  1. Awesome poems Room 3! Thanks for telling us these wonderful stories about the sun and the stars. I makes me happy that it is summer.
    Evelyn (Molly's mum)
