Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Hello from Rm 3

Kia Ora everyone,

we thought we'd have more time for literacy and numeracy this term as there is no swimming, but the production is taking up even more time than swimming so we've had less time for writing our stories on this blog. However, we will try and get at least one story up a week. Today we have a little more time so we will share a few more.

The children have learnt so many facts about the olympics that they are going to share some of them at assembly tomorrow.

Today we wrote about our reflections.

My Reflection

I look in the mirror and I see a beating heart. I see a green eyed girl looking at me. I see a helping friend who is kind, looking at me.

By Lucy


When I look in the mirror I see someone looking at me. I don't know who it is but I stare at her for a long time.

By Caitlin

My Self

When I look in the mirror I see my heart. It makes me feel good.

By Connor

What I See

I look in the mirror and what do I see? Another friend smiling back at me. I see a love heart.

By Emily

What Do I See?

What do I see in the mirror? I see someone who has the same eye colour as me. I see someone who likes to be quiet. I see someone who has the same colour hair as me.

By Samantha

Please leave us some comments...we LOVE to come in and see new comments each day.

From Rm 3

Thursday, 19 July 2012

The end of the week...

Hi everyone, it's great to be back at school!

We all had fantastic holidays doing loads of ultra cool stuff. We wrote all about it and Miss Finch has published our stories for everyone to read when you next come into our classroom. Please come and read them as we are very proud of them.

No swimming this term.

Thanks for all the costumes for our production. We're all excited about performing it for you in week 6.

Have a brilliant weekend.

From Room 3

Monday, 16 July 2012

Stunning Starry Night

Today we wrote at least two sentences about the stars in the night sky. We brainstormed lots of interesting words that reminded us of stars, like jewels, treasure, gold shining, sparklers, glitter, floating lanterns, sunflowers, constellations and more.

We decided to take all our sentences and share them all because we did such a fantastic job that we couldn't choose just one person's work!

Stunning Starry Night

The stars glitter, shining gold from the dark night sky. Guojinwang 
The crystal stars glitter in the black sky. Charlotte
The stars are twinkling at me, shining in the black sky. Julia
The stars are glittering crystals, twinkling in the sky. Molly
The stars are yellow sparkling in the cloud's big sky. Rosa
The stars are like beautiful silver glittering lanterns, floating in the sky. Lucy
The stars are lanterns in the shining gold sky. Dylan
The stars are treasures, as bright as the sun. The stars very glittery constellations. Jacob
The stars are glittering lanterns, shining gold. Esme
The stars are like pictures in the sky, called constellations. The stars are like beautiful treasure, glittering and shining. Samantha
The stars are lanterns flying in the sky, crystals gleaming in the sky. Nico
The stars are glittering, yellow up in the sky. Hugo
The stars remind me of crystals and the colour yellow. Connor
The stars are the sun, just a bit further away. They're as sparkly as gold and as pretty as a lantern. Caitlin
The stars glitter and remind me of crystals and lanterns. James
The stars are golden lanterns floating in the sky. Emily
The stars are floating pictures called constellations. Pearl

What a fantastic job you all did today! I am most impressed with your descriptive language. Well done.