Monday 21 May 2012

Off We Went...

Hi everyone,

Yesterday we had a very fun, fabulous and furry day at the zoo. We raced around the zoo road, spying all the small scurrying aminals, like the monkeys, mere cats and mice. And all the long legged large ones, like the lions, the giraffes and cheetahs. The gorilla's were monkeying around, going upside down, climbing ropes and sliding down wooden poles. After morning tea, we went inside where we met Lynn who taught us all about animal habitats and patterns. We got to touch a lizard, a hedgehog and a... RAT!!! Can you believe it?

Today we raced down Haitaitai hill to the library.We met Vanessa who taught us how to find certain books. We got into groups and had a challenge. We had to find a new book, a CD book, a book with a certain coloured cover and a book whose author started with a certain letter. It was lots of fun.

I hope everyone's homework made it to your house...some children forgot their homework books again :(

Tomorrow we are off again... to swimming! We can't wait.

Until next time, see you later from Room 3.

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