Sunday, 28 July 2013


Kia Ora everyone,

Welcome back to Term 3. It's great to see eveybody here today, bright and shiny.

I hope you all had a chance to enjoy this wonderful weather we've been having.

Happy birthday to Theo!!  Six years old today.

This term our enquiry is ocean adventures. This will cover lots of interesting things about the sea, what's in it, on it, and even a bit about pirates!

As part of our art, we all need a shoe box so we  can make a diorama. I have been collecting them over the year, but if you have any others, please bring them in for us to use.

Spelling resumes this Friday. If anybody is available to test the children on Friday mornings at 9am, please let me know. It usually takes about half an hour.

Please remember to send your child to school with their book bag and all the books they need for school. If there is no book bag, there will be no book sent home, as the books were getting damaged last term.

Don't forget - we love to read the comments that you leave for us, so please continue to leave often as you can!

Thanks for your support in these matters.

From Room 3